Digital Services


Satisfaction Guarantee

If you're not 100% satisfied with the style, the quality, or the context of your copy or images, neither are we. Simply contact us within 5 days of delivery and we will fix it for free.See guarantee details.

Delivery Timeline

  • Standard Delivery (3-5 Days)
  • Rush Delivery (1-3 Days) +20% of project fee
  • Express Delivery (24 hours) +40% of project fee

Top Questions Answered:

  • Can I see some samples of your work? You bet! We have samples of our awesome Curated Stock Video Ads here. Looking for samples of social media ads and other copy-only products? You can see those here.
  • How quick do you deliver? That depends on the product. For our social media ads (our most popular products), during Checkout you'll have the option to select Standard (3-5 days), Rush (1-3 days), or Express (24 hours or less) delivery. For other products like email copy, landing pages, website copy and more we may not offer all delivery speeds.
  • Can I get a photo or video with my social media ad? When filling out the creative brief, you can choose to have us pick the perfect curated stock image(s) or create a customized curated stock video to accompany our awesome Ad copy!
  • Do you offer subscriptions? Yes, learn more about our monthly plans here. You can also purchase single products or multi-packs in our store.

For full details on our terms of service, including our satisfaction guarantee, visit our TOS page